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Body Intelligence and Spirituality

  • 24 Steps


Enter into a journey of self-love by joining me in an eight-week program through understanding your own body intelligence. There are deep mind and body connections that allow us to process spiritual and emotional energy in an integrated way. Your body holds innate wisdom that we have learned through conditioning to suppress and repress. Much of our energy daily is spent suppressing old emotional energy. This program is designed to teach you to release that energy so the emotions can move through you rather than remain in you, through your own body's abilities. In our weakness, His strength is made perfect. Perfect for healing and allowing the experiences to be released from our bodies for great joy. We'll journey through world philosophies on suffering and emotions, as well as, learn more about spiritual energy through studying the Chakras, and TCM concepts. We'll learn yoga, breathwork, and meditation techniques that guide us through each stage of spiritual and emotional development. Finally, we'll focus on our union with Christ as the cornerstone of all of this work as our creator. The beginner will learn: Connect the mind with the body experience to process emotions. Spiritual processing through yoga and meditation practice. Learning different world philosophies on emotional and spiritual energy. Understanding illness in the body as a potential disconnection with self and stuck emotions. This class is worth 20 hours cont'd ed Yoga Alliance.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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