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Do We Actually Believe God?

Trust in God, and community with His people, are two of the most important pieces of working out our faith. Understanding those who join us in the community of faith is vital to your personal faith. Testimony is one of the most powerful threads that weave humanity together. Hope becomes a natural side effect of hearing the stories of others whose God’s love and faithfulness have affected. Especially considering God’s Word, we can see the original promise and then see the evidence of the very miracle played out in history. This is exactly what we are going to look at with Abraham’s son Isaac. We will watch God's divine provision when He makes a request and then provides the very thing He asked of Abraham.

Hebrews 11:12-13 talks about this as it sums up Sarah and Abraham’s faith, and what happened because their faith and God’s power mixed together. We talked about this a couple of weeks ago as we looked at what makes our growth possible. It is a combination of God’s power mixed with our belief and faith. Therefore, Paul tells us to “be transformed by the renewing of our minds”. This mind renewal involves two key components:

  • Belief

    • 11:6

    • That He is

      • That He is powerful

      • That He loves us

      • That He is good

      • That He is faithful

      • That He is trustworthy

      • That He is refining us through our circumstances

      • That He is fully engaged in our lives

  • Faith

    • 11:6

    • He rewards those who seek Him

      • His presence

      • His promises

      • He hears you

      • He desires to be intimate with you

      • Trustworthy

I do fully believe there is a natural law of faith in God’s creation energetically. Stick with me for a moment with this. God’s power is fulfilling His will on this earth. When we believe in God’s power, the power that is the will of God being completed on this earth, we enter the flow of energy that is. When we go against God’s will (which we do all the time through our shadow side), we resist or exit the flow, and this can cause some suffering in our lives.

So it is our hearts and where they are invested that make us thrive. Where do you "devote" your thought life? Your heart's desires? If they are invested in the right places, they'll yield a return!

I would love to practice yoga with you and help you "work out" your faith through movement and other tools that help us enter into God's flow. Click on subscriptions for more info!

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