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By Faith; Joshua

In my subscription service we are finishing up our study By Faith. A look at the humanity of those whose names grace the Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11. Today we look at Joshua, next week Rahab. I think Joshua is such an interesting study because can you imagine how useless they felt in that battle? Their very first conquest in taking their promised land.

If you are not familiar, Joshua leads the Israelites into the promised land and their first battle is getting through the wall of Jericho. God gives very specific instructions on how they'll do it...walking. Yep, walk around the city one time each day. Then, on the seventh day, you'll walk more and then shout. Can you place yourself in their shoes? I would feel so vulnerable. I would wonder if it is even making a difference? They had to sleep in between, do you think they were afraid they would get attacked?

Yet, they did it. It seemed insurmountable (it was in their humanity) and yet they trusted God to do what He said He'd do, and give them their promise. Where are you right now? Are you on day 3 or 4 (for me year 3 or 4) of circling the walls wondering how all of this is going to work out? Me too. Me too. But, I trust God is going to lead me. I trust, no matter how unconventional, what He is leading me to do now will lead to life and victory. I've watched Him do it over and over, I chose to focus on that and not the wall that I cannot climb.

Yoga is such a great tool to help you develop trust and patience. You'll need it even when you are in a season of rest. I would love to practice with you. There are many different levels. You can grab just the on-demand yoga classes and Bible study. You can upgrade and get access to the Body Intelligence and Spirituality Program if you are really in need of emotional and spiritual healing. Or the third level includes the on-demand yoga and Bible study, the Body Intelligence Program, and my Anatomy Program for Fitness Professionals. Simply click on the subscription tab for more information and to sign up.

All these tools are designed to train you to live free from attachments, control, and fear. To live in joy, trust, and freedom. We'll see you next week!

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