The fifth Yama is Aparigraha; non-attachment. Personally, this is my absolute favorite to talk about as my favorite Scripture, and the verse that has been my anchor for dealing with hard truths, is John 8:32b: "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Jesus says this of abiding in the truth of who God is. You'll need the divine power of the Holy Spirit to do this work! Think of it like untangling a knot in our soul.
Living in truth, not what we want or think things to be, is truly the key to living an untethered life! Because of the experiences we have in our lives we tend to want to attach ourselves to things, ideas, people, groups, and ideologies. And this is understandable as we are meant and designed to be things, ideas, people, groups, and ideologies. We are doing nothing 'wrong', but if you attach yourself to these things in certain ways we bring ourselves a lot of unnecessary suffering.
We are to be connected, but not enmeshed. We are to give ourselves, but not lose ourselves. To do this, you must learn the healthy art of detachment from these concepts. If we make them our identity we lose who we are and who we are becoming almost all at once. Our experiences and childhoods have so much to do with this as our formative years are critical to creating the lens through which we see the world. In our newsletter this week we'll talk more about it. Make sure you stop by the home page and sign up for the newsletter, it goes out tomorrow!