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The Key to Contentment

I think we've been misled about how our views and our emotions comingle in our lives. Here is what I mean, it can feel (emotions) as if we don't have control (our view), or that we have to wait to experience peace and contentment until we have achieved what we want or desire. As though life if like a game of chance and we are at its mercy. And in some ways we are, things happen outside of our control, sometimes very painful and limiting things. Although, the little daily things that are the actual experiences that make up our lives, we often have some control over them, or at least our view of them.


When we can learn the discipline of contentment in all circumstances, that is true presence. And I don't know about you, but I long for a peaceful presence. And truly, that is within my ability no matter what my circumstance. Sure, things don't always go my way, but I have a choice to see that as a good thing and let go of what I thought it needed to look like so I can soberly embrace what is. Once I do that, my potential for peace is compounded. It is exponential! As a survivor of abuse and trauma this has been a cultivation of healing, learning, practicing, and an expression of faith. I truly believe gratitude is adequate worship.

This is the essence of one of the NiYamas (inner observances of a yogi lifesytle) that we've been exploring; Santosha. It is a discipline to be sure. It does not come to you, it must be cultivated. And cultivated using the very things that are happening in your life! That is the material God uses to transform you into your most beautiful version of yourself. Full participation with light and that ability to face your shadows with grace and calm. If you are enjoying these series and want to learn more, teacher training is where all of this goodness is. Even if you never teach a class, you'll be so glad you went through! Click on "teacher training" for more info. Classes (in person or online) start soon!

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